


姓    名钟翔
职    称副教授                                
邮    箱zhx0325@hfut.edu.cn
电    话
  • 个人简历

    钟翔,博士,betvlctor网页版登录副教授,硕士生导师。2008年于天津大学获学士学位、2016年于北京航空航天大学获工学博士学位,2016年3月至今,于betvlctor网页版登录从事教学科研工作,2022年12月至2023年11月于新加坡南洋理工大学School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering做访问学者。



  • 研究领域

  • 开设课程



  • 科研项目


  • 发表论文


    1.       Zhong Xiang, Cao Hanyu, Sun Yu, Deng Huaxia, Chen Xiaoshan, Ren Jie, Ma Mengchao, Huang Liang. Reducing recovery signal distortion of the ϕ -OTDR based on 3×3 coupler demodulation using ellipse fitting algorithm[J]. Journal of Lightwave Technology, in press.

    2.       Zhong Xiang, Chen Xiaoshan, Cao Hanyu, Deng Huaxia, Ren Jie, Xiao Xingzhi, Sun Yu, Ma Mengchao. Influences of pulse parameters on the performance of double-pulse ϕ-OTDR[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2023, 161: 109128.

    3.       Zhong Xiang, Tian Bingbing, Gu Jialin, Ma jun, Deng Huaxia, Ma Mengchao. Influences of core diameter on the quality of multimode fiber imaging based on compressive sensing[J]. Optical Fiber Technology, 2023, 78: 103324.

    4.       Zhong Xiang, Wang Buyi, Li Rong, Wu Yimin, Ma Mengchao, Deng Huaxia. Energyconversion mechanisms of a seesaw-type energy harvester[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55(25): 255002.

    5.       Xiang Zhong, Baofei Zhang, Jie Ren, Huaxia Deng, Xiaoshan Chen and Mengchao Ma, A novel φ-OTDR system with a phase demodulation module based on Sagnac balanced interferometer. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021, 39(22): 7307-7314

    6.       Xiang Zhong, Buyi Wang, Yimin Wu, Rong Li, Mengchao Ma and Huaxia Deng, Tunable double nonlinear design in the energy harvester to enhance energy harvesting. The European Physical Journal Plus, 2021, 135: 1145

    7.       钟翔,赵世松,邓华夏,张进,马孟超,基于脉冲调制的Φ -OTDR研究综述,红外与激光工程,20204910):20200166

    8.       Xiang Zhong, Shisong Zhao, Huaxia Deng, Dongliang Gui, Jin Zhang and Mengchao Ma, Nuisance alarm rate reduction using pulse-width multiplexing Φ-OTDR with optimized positioning accuracy. Optics Communications, 2020, 456 (1):124571

    9.       Xiang Zhong, Xicheng Gao, Shisong Zhao, Huaxia Deng, Mengchao Ma, Jin Zhang and Jianquan Li, Pulse-width multiplexing Φ-OTDR for nuisance-alarm rate reduction. Sensors, 2018,18(10):3509-2520

    10.    Xiang Zhong, Chunxi Zhang, Lijing Li, Sheng Liang, Hao Li and Changjun Sun, Influences of laser source on phase-sensitivity optical time-domain reflectometer-based distributed intrusion sensor. Applied Optics, 2014, 53 (21): 4645~4650

    11.    Xiang Zhong, Chunxi Zhang, Lijing Li, Sheng Liang, Qin Li, Qiying Lü, Xiuxin Ding and Qiaoyuan Cao, Influences of pulse on phase-sensitivity optical time domain reflectometer based distributed vibration sensorOptics Communications, 2016, 361: 1~5

    12.    钟翔,张春熹,林文台,梁生,基于小波变换的光纤周界定位系统,北京航空航天大学学报,2013.3.01393):396~400

    13.    Xiang Zhong, Chunxi Zhang, Lijing Li and Qin Li, Influences of frequency drift of laser source on phase sensitivity optical time domain reflectometer, Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2015, 44(1): 91~95

    14.    Huaxia Deng, Yu Du, Zhemin Wang, Jin Zhang, Mengchao Ma, and Xiang Zhong*, A multimodal and multidirectional vibrational energy harvester using a double branched beam. Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 112(21): 213901

    15.Jin Zhang, Lijun Ren, Huaxia Deng*, Mengchao Ma, Xiang Zhong* and Pengcheng Wen. Measurement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Attitude Angles Based on a Single Captured Image, Sensors, 2018, 18(8): 2655


  • 专著教材

  • 申请专利

    1.       钟翔,孙宇,曹翰昱,谷家霖,邓华夏,马孟超,基于单像素的非成像晶圆表面缺陷检测方法及存储介质,2023,中国,202311056927.2

    2.       钟翔,陈晓珊,曹翰昱,孙宇,任杰,邓华夏,马孟超,一种时分复用的温度、振动测量光纤传感系统,2022,中国,202211663624.2

    3.       钟翔,田兵兵,谷家霖,邓华夏,马孟超,一种多模光纤单像素成像降噪方法及存储介质,2022,中国,202210721946.1

    4.       钟翔,任杰,陈晓珊,孙宇,曹翰昱,邓华夏,马孟超,一种基于CWT-Xception-RFφ-OTDR振动事件分类方法,2022,中国,202210304198.7

    5.       钟翔,章宝飞,任杰,邓华夏,陈晓珊,桂栋梁,马孟超,一种基于双脉冲调制的分布式光纤传感方法及系统,2021,中国,202110062672.5

    6.       钟翔,穆趁意,章宝飞,任杰,邓华夏,陈晓珊,桂栋梁,马孟超,基于一维光子晶体全向反射镜的二次聚光器,2021,中国,202110062672.5

    7.       钟翔,桂栋梁,董敬涛,邓华夏,张进,马孟超,一种基于啁啾光纤光栅的光谱共焦位移传感器,2019,中国,201910918739.3

    8.       钟翔,穆趁意,邓华夏,赵世宇,杨芳芳,张进,马孟超,一种非跟踪式聚光光伏发电装置,2019,中国,201910772873.7

    9.       钟翔,赵世松,邓华夏,张进,马孟超,于连栋,基于相位敏感光时域反射传感器的防误警漏警方法,2019.1.1,中国,201811146716.7

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